I STOLE THIS FROM CHRIS~~~Name: Patricia Kelley (dead serious, two first names lol)~Height: 5'7"
~Weight: 126lbs llD (trying to grow boobs comes with a price lol)
~Birthday: October 19, 1993
~Birthplace: Hisperia, California :D
~Current Location: Barstow, California...whoo~
~School: Barstow High School
~Zodiac Sign: Libra~
~Chinese Zodiac Sign: I'm a cock :D!
~Righty or Lefty: Righty all the way :>
~Haircolor: Dark brown :>
~Eye color: Greenish/hazelish on the outside, brown on the inside ;;
~Skin Color: I should be white but...I'm kind of dark for a white person xD;;;-About Me~What's Your Family Situation: Going good :U
~Any Pets: A dumb ...