ArtistsForCharity F.A.Q.

7 min read

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1) What is aFc (ArtistsForCharity) and what is its goal ?

ArtistsForCharity is an account run by the seniors of deviantART. The goal of aFc is to sell artwork as prints with all the proceeds going to a selected charity.

2) Which Charities will you be donating to?

The name of the Charity who will we be donating to, and a list of the past charities can be found in this journal: selected charity

3) Do all profits go to the charity?

YES! All profit above the print's base cost will be donated to the current charity.

4) Is aFc a `seniors only project?

No, everyone from core staff ($), all the way to general member (~) can donate artwork.

5) How do I donate a piece of my work? Do I sell it on my own print account?

Donating is easy. Simply send a note to us or switchbladeserenade, Little-Vampire or well-moistened. We'll let you know what to do next. And no, please do not upload your donated piece to your store. We'd like to keep all the products exclusive.

6) Do I need to have a premium account in order to donate?

No, we upload the prints to the ArtistsForCharity account, which has permanent prints benefits.

7) Do the prints have to be a specific topic/theme ?

No, just submit what you would like, or what you feel will sell, to help out.

8) Can I submit any image I like or do you pick one from my gallery ?

We really would love it if the artist submitted something of their choice. We can offer advice, or suggestions from your gallery if you're unsure.

9) Can you put in the description to comment or fav the original work?

No, we are not doing this for favs or comments. We exist to raise money for charities exclusively.

10) Can I donate more than one piece?

Yes you can.We are accepting up to 3 pieces from deviants at the moment.

11) How about other products like mugs, mousepads etc?

You can donate any type of product that is available on deviantPRINTS, as long as you submit the correct files for each product and let us know which is which. More info on the correct source files can be found in the

12)What are the size requirements for prints ?

Information about the correct sizes and templates for your prints can be found in the

13) How are the prices determined?

ALL prices are set to the default price. It doesn't matter who you are or how popular you are.

14) Will you note me if a print of mine is sold ?

As of now we have not been noting and nor do we plan on starting as of now.

15) How much money did aFc make ?

If you would like to find out how much money has been raised by Artists For Charity, please drop into #ArtistsforCharity on dAmn, where the total amount raised is listed - although it isn't always absolutely current.

16) I'm a writer, can I donate my works?

Yes, it's now possible to make a print out of Literature works too! Check this News to know more about it: News: Prints for Lit.

17) I don't feel like my works are good enough to be donated, how can I still help out?

Just advertise the project, spread the word, put our stamp in your journal, etc. Or alternatively you can find another artist and do a collaboration.

18) How do I add the stamp to my journal ?

If you wish to display the ArtistsForCharity stamp in your journal, you simply have to enter the following code:
  • <a href=""><img src="" /></a>

For further help please read:

Please remember, this is a subscriber only feature.

19) Who can I contact if I have any other questions?

If you have any questions not answered here you can send a note to the aFc account, join
#ArtistsForCharity on dAmn or send a note to either well-moistened, switchbladeserenade or Little-Vampire


© 2006 - 2025 ArtistsForCharity
anonymous's avatar
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FoolInDimensions's avatar
If i ever make something that someone wants to hang in a wall, i'll donate to this. Such a wonderfull idea!
There's nothing better than knowing you can make a difference by a simple gest.