Joel Gi RamirezCreate Your Badgewell..where do i begin..first off i love ART...i've been drawing since i was a kid. But i started drawing as a way to take my mind of my disease. I was born with Sickel-cell S.S disease. It causes large amounts of paint threw out your you can imagine i drew ALOT of the times, due to being sick alot of times. I dropped out of school due to my absents. And became really sick. I was stuck in a negative mind set. Till my grandmother told me of the power of positive thinking..and Doctors told me a way they can cure my Sickel cell. I went threw a BONE marrow transplant and it changed my life. It gave me a new lease on life. I know cherrish every moment and even got back in school and im currently in college getting my degree as an artist. In a few years i wannat to create graphic novels or comics that do nothing more then inspire the WHOLE world. I want people to never gives you more then you cant handle...and with a positive out-look you can change anything. Hope you guys enjoy my really trying hard to get into the comic industry.
Current Residence: New york NY
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Any
Print preference: any
Favourite genre of music: RockNRoll
Favourite photographer: Robert Capa
Favourite style of art: American Comic and Anime
Operating System: Paper N pencil ??
MP3 player of choice: Driod phone
Shell of choice: Bowser from Mario brothers
Wallpaper of choice: Megan Fox..?
Skin of choice: Mine
Favourite cartoon character: Vash the stampede `TRIGUN`
Personal Quote: Destiny is not chance...but a choice