Tinker Bell AppArtistAbe on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/artistabe/art/Tinker-Bell-App-196178966ArtistAbe

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Tinker Bell App

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Ok so this was seriously just supposed to be Tinker Bell by herself doing whatever a Tinker Bell does. But like usual i'm not satisfied and decide it needs something more.
i decide to play off of her size. Now there was no way i was going to draw here next a thimble cuz that has been done to death! So i make the decision to modernize her up a tad by having her sit on an iphone. The next thing y'know, it turns into a friggin Apple advertisement!

What really bothers me is how the phone looks like i just grabbed a iphone photo off of Google. I did for the screen, but the case i tried to make it look hand drawn.

BLaahrhgh!! *stamps as done and moves on* ..... funny thing is i don't even own a single Apple device.
Image size
2550x3300px 462.97 KB
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