ArtisansdAzure's avatar


Armors and accessories
352 Deviations
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Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (132)
Quartz: It's a big honor to be awarded a Quartz badge! (1)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

Who we are?

Artisans d'Azure is a store in Montréal,Qc in Canada who is specialized in larp accessory. Created since 2005 by Samuel Gagnon-Tremblay in Granby a small town in Quebec. He opened his store in 2009 at Montreal and have now some motivated employe at his side

And now the Artisans d'Azure's crew:

Samuel: The Owner, Leather Artisan, Pattern Designer
Maxime: Shipping and Workshop manager
Marc-André: Artistic Department, Leather/Metal Artisan, Sculptor, Deviant Art user.
Geneviève: Tailor, Leather Artisan
Steeve: Jeweler, Leather Artisan, Engineer
Stephane: Leather Artisan
Chris: Leather Artisan
J-F: Leather Artisan
Ms. Rousseau: Tailor
Sophie: Tailor

Custom Order?

Yes we do comission, custom order and else. The imagination is our limit. We do have many talent but everything come with a price. The best way to order something from "Les Artisans d'Azure" is to send us an e-mail: info(at) then ask your question, send some picture or draw of your idea , we will tell you the cost. All of our order take about 4 to 6 week because of our waiting list. We always try to satisfy the client the best way we can with your budget if the price is too high do not worry tell us what you have and want we will try to adjust your budget and idea with a fair price.

Shipping outside Canada?

Aye aye! We do ship worldwide. When someone live far away from us and is woried about his order we take some advancement picture of the project to keep you satisfy during the process.

Other Interests
Medieval fantastic larp middle-age post-apocalyptic
Yup... you can find us here: What's special? WIP picture and Finished one of some projects who may not appear on deviant art Come see us!
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So we invite you all to join our Facebook pages, for discount, news and other stuff like that im shy to post on D.A.
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So... We have our website with official product, sometime we have some fun creating some mad product that we would not make them "official". At last we opened an Etsy spot for buying our badass mad products!Here is the link:
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Profile Comments 125

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Amazing costumes and props! Your photos are going to be a huge help to me as I work on character descriptions.

Hello! :D

I was browsing you gallery and I noticed you have made some very lovely Crafts!

I would like to invite you to :iconcrafting-is-life:

We have contests, we have a seller list and we have helpful members.

And much, much more :D

Hope to see you there! ^_^

Je suis curieux, parmi vos commandes, avez-vous déjà eu à bouillir et cirer du cuir?

Dans le même ordre d'idée, avez-vous eu à faire une brigandine avec du métal pour un gniste ou quiconque faisant de la reconstitution?
oui nous avons deja fait ce genre de projet par le passé a mainte reprise, nous avions également un model de brigandine avec plaque d'acier standard. Et nous avons deja fait plusieurs fois des lamellaire / brigandine / splintmail pour de la lamevive et arme de rotin. La meilleur facon de connaitre le cout d'un projet est d'envoier un courriel a avec un croquis ou photo d'un projet que tu aimerais te faire fabriqué. Avec une description des besoin de ton armure.
En fait je suis surtout curieux sur les moyennes de prix car j'hésite entre m'en faire une ou m'en faire faire une... ou me faire faire une plate auprès d'un des forgerons spécialisé, considérant que je fait tant du gn que de la lamevive.
Love your work, do you allow people to use your armours for reference on their art work?
yes and please send us a note when you expose them for us to see them too ;)