ArtbyOvahFx on DeviantArt

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ArtbyOvahFx's avatar

Tiger Eye Insomniac Fx



Herr Llama Emperor Thanks for visitin by k-neloCreative Commons by iremnazYour Stamp by LumiResourcesFree to Use Stamp - Credit by J7MiGiAnti-Theft Ninja Stamp by sambeesHerr Llama Emperor 

""Rules For My Stocks""  

Bullet; RedNo ExceptionsBullet; Red

Bullet; Red  Idea As A communityPat pat we are, "STRONG"; "If you notice, "Possible Abuse",of, "My Stocks Rules" or
"Artist", using my Stocks outside of DA, note me; Ill give you a reward . Meaning Points  or Cakes Petting is sensual! 

Bullet; Red Do Not add; "Any of My Images or Art" To Anything with Nudity or Depicting Sexuality; in any way !! "Please ??"   Banned!  

The Original Image . and Artist cant be found here . "This image"; is MY VERSION of his original .
It can be found here  
Tiger stock PURCHASED here 

You are not allowed to reproduce, copy, modify or use any of "My images" In any of my Galleries "Unless you have my written authorization"!
Image size
4160x6080px 8.47 MB
© 2015 - 2024 ArtbyOvahFx
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