Jack and Roseartbyginns on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/artbyginns/art/Jack-and-Rose-317120296artbyginns

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artbyginns's avatar

Jack and Rose



Hi everybody! This is my new Titanic drawing! I actually started this one back in March, but I kind of forgot about it, and I recently decided to finish it. It's not my best, but I'm still happy with it. I absolutely LOVE Titanic, so I thought I'd draw this beautiful picture of Jack and Rose. :heart:
Hope you guys like it!

I used: 3B mechanical pencil, 4B, 5B and 8B pencils, tissues, blending stump, q-tips, eraser stick, kneaded eraser, strathmore smooth bristol board.

Here's the reference picture: [link]
Image size
6108x4790px 6.76 MB
© 2012 - 2025 artbyginns
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JulieSunflower's avatar
amazing work, I LOVE ITHeart  and Titanic of course