FeaTWOre Fiesta + Absent for Absinth

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I've finaly done it.
As I've promised, I browsed through all the galleries of the people who watch me, and made this small selection of your wonderfull pieces to feature.
I was low on the net during the last week, my connection kept breaking, the dA server gave me a really hard time with its empty preview boxes, I had to re-browse my narrow choice set cuz I didn't write down the deviation numbers :slamhead:
...but I've finaly made it.

The new Feature Fiesta is here...

These pieces are probably not the best of your galleries, nor the one's you like the most, or are proud the most of, some are not even MY favourites of your work, some were in your scraps, some were just a concept, or not finished, but during this, gigantic brows-o-rama o' mine, these pieces had an impact on me in this way or another...
...some of them have a great message...
...some of them carry a strong emotion...
...some of them are technically superb...
...some of them were very hard to do...
...some of them were inspiring or just beautiful...
...some of them simply needed some more exposure...
...but all of them are yours, and yours to view!

...the majority of these pieces has under 100 views!!!...
...be so kind and at least visit them...
...thank you, and enjoy...

-Maybe_you_will/maybe_you_won't find sense in the order of the thumbs, but I'm to tired to tweak it some more, right now.... peace....-
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:thumb25590385: :thumb24963544: Into The Blue by xxbcxx
Electric Funeral by Nadril Enchanted forest by Dijabolik Winter 1 by LittleDark1
:thumb15572421: Frozen by AstralWind
:thumb28185468: :thumb24936605:
WiP - Renascence by maxwell-heza Eye by Dina-n1
Pinky Girl by duhcoolies Swimming against the stream by Fredy3D :thumb27425264:

Happiness by honuea :thumb28611997: im melting by stuffdotcom
Istanbul by irem-altan  
fire bird by dicrow :thumb27972121:
River Blues by right-angle Girl by piranhaspit

Mature Content

tatoo by GoranDA

:thumb28315144: Broken PT2 by N8tureboy
Fine line by X-zer0
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Be well...

[EDIT 2005.03.21.]
I won't be here for the next couple of days (7-8), I'm of to Prague(Praha) so I apologize, in advance, for all the late replies to your msgs in that period, but you'll definitely get them... eventually =D
Maybe there'll be some nice photos for you to see and ... well, maybe enjoy. ;P
OK interact with you in a week! :wave:

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:iconserbiaandmontenegro: :iconeuropeans: :iconswfc: :icondailydeviants: :icondigitalartnetwork:
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ciaee's avatar
thank you for featuring me, dear. :love: (although the one u picked isn't one of my favourites... :hug:)

btw, some nice picks you have there... i enjoyed looking.