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The Little Match Girl



I tried to capture the weird mix of morbidness and the beauty of the original story...

Click here to read a translation of Hans Christian Andersen's "Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne" ("The Little Match Girl") by Jean Hersholt.
Image size
800x527px 157.78 KB
© 2009 - 2024 ArtBIT
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flashparade's avatar
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Impact

Though I'm familiar with the story I have never actually read it, but after seeing this picture I feel like I've read it. There is such simplicity and sadness in this piece. You've managed to capture an emotion perfectly with such a minimal interpretation. Those circles for eyes convey a sadness you wouldn't think would be possible for just circles. The smoke effect is terrific and accents the piece nicely. I enjoy the wavy fluidness of the lines compared to the starkness of the starlight. It seems to convey the harshness of the night. You've done an excellent job at making the viewer first look at the overall piece and then direct their eyes to the match. The slight detailing on the match creates a focus and adds meaning to the piece. Even if you hadn't titled it the little match girl I bet many people would have been able to guess it on their own. I'm not 100% sold with the textures and the colors for the background, though I don't absolutely hate it either. I'm reminded of using the Exclusion or Difference transparency from Photoshop and Illustrator. I think it's the brightness around the stars that throws me off slightly, I like that you emphasized them I'm just not quite sure if the color adds to the picture or takes away from it. Overall I thoroughly enjoyed viewing this piece and I think you did a terrific job conveying your message <img src="…" width="15" height="15" alt=":)" title=":) (Smile)" />