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enGage and Rivet



Whew- glad this is finally done XD

My two main OCs, enGage and Rivet. Rivet was originally designed to be the OC of one of my close girlfriends, but I ended up liking her so much that I wanted to keep her for myself ( my punishment is to create a new self-insert for her and draw some flirty pics of her and Throttle, now XD ).

enGage and Rivet are mercenaries, that tend to clash with the rest of the Freedom Fighters which tend to think of them as sell-outs, since they'll work for whoever is paying, be it rat, Plutarkian, cave mouse, or etc. The only group they won't work for at any price is the Sand Raiders. They have a long-standing feud with the Sand Raiders, who kidnapped the two of them from their families as small children for slave trade, eventually selling them to the Plutarkians for their earliest genetic experiments. The growth hormones they used on enGage caused her to grow to Amazonian proportions ( 6'6" ) and that was the Plutarkians' ultimate undoing, as she eventually became old and large enough to overpower her tormentors and escape with Rivet.

Their arch-nemesis is Gravekeep, the silver backed jackal who is the niece of Slobber and second in command of the Sand Raiders. They clash consistently, enGage and Rivet engaging ( ha! ) Grave and her ilk fore vengeful reasons, while Grave attacks in an attempt to reposses her awol property.

As for their alliegance, when the chips are down, enGage and Rivet eventually work alongside the Freedom Fighters in the final battle for the liberation of Mars.

Huge thanks again to :iconshamoncornell: for putting up with me constantly sending him progress pics for feedback, and for sending me a machete in the same style as enGage's for a reference prop, and for helping me design her spaulder.

Characters belong to me. Please do not alter or redistribute without express permission.
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Elimmc's avatar

Biker Mice From Mars, I like this series. I am also a Fan.

You got some beautiful and sexy OC girls Mice. Keep up the good work, with this characters.