We as accept all people and art made by those people of all levels.
.: RULES :.
1. NO AI images, the members have voted and agreed no AI will be allowed. Anyone submitting AI will have the image removed and be blocked.
If you cant make the image it aint art.
2. No hate speach, rascism, sexism, none of any of that.
3. No stolen art.
4. No spam comments on the main page. If you want to advertise send the admin a note and a free feature will be made. Spam comments will be deleted and can lead to being banned.
5. Any one requesting to join that has AI in their gallery, or an empty gallery, will not be allowed to join.
This counts as spoam and is not allowed it will be removed
This is an example of a spam comment. So it will be flagged and removed.
You have to submit the works you want to to the group as long as your a part of the group it will be automatically approved.