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[Puddis] - 2022 MYO Event Entry



Theme - Mint Chocolatechip


Ears - Jester (Common)

Nose - Spawnling (Common)

Horns - Cone (Uncommon)

Tail - Lizardbump (Uncommon)

Tufts - Jacket (Rare)

Anomalies - Grabber (Seasonal)

Personality notes

Comes off as shy since he’s not often seen in town socializing with others but this isn’t true, Banyan is actually quite outgoing and social when he does get around to speaking with other Puddis. 

He can actually be a little overbearing with how passionate he is about his work.


Banyan is a Puddi from O Gnaille town but is seldom seen around the streets, choosing instead to camp out in the woods that surround the town in search of new specimens. He’s always harbored an interest in all things insect related and currently owns around thirty different types of beetles, butterflies and other such things. 

Despite his reclusive nature, Banyan enjoys the company of other Puddis and especially enjoys when he gets the chance to show others his insect collection. It’s not often he finds another Puddi to share his interests with so he takes every opportunity he can get to do just that.

Image size
586x681px 221.94 KB
© 2022 - 2024 Arsonbean
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