A Piece of Heavenarrsistable on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/arrsistable/art/A-Piece-of-Heaven-63066534arrsistable

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arrsistable's avatar

A Piece of Heaven



Again, an order from a girl on NSHC. :D

I hunted that site for about a week for someone looking for a paint horse, and not only did I find it, but she suggested using one of ~Olympic-Ferro's horses... which was the original reason of why I was looking anyhow.

Another photomanipulator from NSHC, ~Haikuxx, did the same order too, and oddly enough we chose to use the same horse image, which wasn't even the one that Raisa (who placed the order) origonally suggested. hehe.

Anyhow, here's Haikus take on it: [link]

It's interesting how two people can see one request and end up with such different ideas.

Anyhow, here's hoping you guys like it. The mane and tail were completely repainted; the mane was originally on the opposite side of the neck, though I cloned it out and made it flow to the right. Or.. the left, if you're the horse.

Origional horse: [link]

I've never painted a duo-colored mane before, either. Highlights and what not, but nothing drastic like white and black. Here's hoping it came out natural looking.

Thanks to the stockers who made this possible!

Personal stock & Brushes

W A L L P A P E R : [link]

C L O S E U P S : [link]

Please FULLVIEW if possible! :love:

The Fifth Element horse RPG has my permission to use this image on their website layout.
Image size
959x978px 616.46 KB
© 2007 - 2025 arrsistable
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