I Remembered Yesterday
by jsenn
A smile slipped softly across
my face several times today.
Each time, I remembered...
I remembered yesterday.
It rained all day long
and we watched the world
slowly vanish in a crystal
view of water washing
across the window pane.
I remembered making love
in sweet seclusion, silence
kissed by silken movements
our hands in rhythm to the
motion of the water.
I remembered thunder
rumbling in the distance
and our laughter filling
the room as passion
became exhilaration.
I remembered the first
time, that tender moment
encircled by your arms,
surprised by my emotions
which have become
Current Residence: Edmonton, Canada Favourite genre of music: Soundtracks Favourite style of art: 3D Operating System: WinXP Pro MP3 player of choice: Winamp Favourite cartoon character: Tachikoma Personal Quote: ...woem!
Hello again arrghman! I've posted the wallpaper I've talked about in the e-mail. I have credited you, but should you have any complaints don't hesitate to tell me, and I will remove the wallpaper.
hi, nice artwork what program do you use on this pic ??? [link] can you please tell me on my profile i want to start doing digital art xD and i need a program to start lol