I design & build things;
<- like this guy!
Current Residence: Manila, Philippines
Favourite genre of music: Metal!
Favourite photographer: Camera (Digital)
Favourite style of art: Mecha
Operating System: 5.56mm Belt-fed, Gas operated, Open bolt
MP3 player of choice: PSP
Shell of choice: 120mm HEAT
Wallpaper of choice: Black
Skin of choice: CSM-101 Series 800 Organic Camouflage
Favourite cartoon character: Finn the human
Personal Quote: Making ideas exist, because I can!
Would you visit my profile? You'll find Original and Fanart. Mostly Anime.
I'm new on Deviant and I would like to Impulse an audience, if you like my art maybe you can consider start wathching me. (I would really appreciate it)
I do traditional art with soft pastels and watercolor
Thanks a lot and sorry for the inconvenience!
Thanks for faving!
Hey there, I found your page because I was searching for more info on the AFRS Type 1 Trashcan figure as its just come out and I was debating on getting some and I had no idea you are the designer! Very cool design and it seems to be a project you have been working a long time on. I am definitely intigued to see your future designs!
Hi, thanks for taking the time to look up the page. I'm glad you like the AFRS design, sometimes it takes a while for designs to fully evolve. Thanks! hopefully, you'll like a few of the future projects as well!
Hey man, can I ask you something through note?
Thanks again for faving!