Custom-dialed characters: WillowArlesienne on DeviantArt

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Custom-dialed characters: Willow



This photomanipulations opens a line of DS characters I custom-dialed myself. I find it freakingly funny.

I wanted a dryad and so Willow was born. She reminds be of Viktoria from Thief games. Yet, she was different, after all those years among humans, quite sublime, so to speak, whereas Willow is pure nature, rough and malevolent. At first, I thought she would be an addition to DAZ Monster Contest, but then I decided she's creepy, but not entirely scary in the way the contest aims at. It's rendered in DAZ Studio 4.5 Pro.

Products I needed:
Forest Scout (tunic and pants)
Elleth Hair (hairstyle)
Creature Creator Bundle
Nishta for Genesis and V4
Andrea for YT5 (eyes)
Florabelle for Genesis and V4 (shoes)

Great thanks for stock providers whose lovely works were used to create the artwork.
Texture on Willow by Kainslee
Background by StarsColdNight
Ivy by EveLivesey
Image size
441x713px 94.96 KB
© 2013 - 2025 Arlesienne
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ShiftingImages's avatar
So Willow is purely malevolent without malice and a thirst for vengeance. I played the thief saga as well. It does remind me of her. I thought she was unpleasant. Great Render and concept!