Annael and RianArlenianChronicles on DeviantArt

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Annael and Rian



Anybody here remember how Annael took little Tuor under his wing and became his foster-father? A wholesome, (relatively) happy family with lots of feels potential?
So far I’ve only found one piece of fanart for them. Annael’s mention in the Silmarillion is really small too, so it’s understandable that his fostering of Tuor would slip from mind ^^;; Ah but I wish they had a bit more attention! I can already imagine all sorts of fluffy scenes for them <33
But we’ll start with a sad scene for now ... In this painting, Rían entrusts Tuor to Annael (shortly before she goes off in search of the place where Huor fell). Annael promises to take good care of Tuor until Rían returns, but I have a feeling that, deep down, he knows that she won’t be back.

(This will also be a print in my shop soon!)

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mariapapag's avatar

Wow, I love the way you drew them. I always loved the relationship between Tuor and Annael and I wish I could find more pictures of them.