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Daily Deviation

July 18, 2012
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune rarely penetrate life Inside the Box; linear wizardry from ~Ark-san.
Featured by SRaffa
Ark-san's avatar

Inside the Box



"Within my box I am completely alone, invisible to the world outside."

I did this of my friend form school while applying to colleges. I really enjoyed doing this piece. It was actually done in a way that both sides of the page had to be used to complete the image according to the requirements. So i cut and folded the paper in order to make a cardboard box shape. I drew on the top of the "box" to make it look like i was sending it to the school i was applying to. then i drew this on the inside to give the illusion that you were looking inside the "box".

What are these feelings?... I can't-
Thank you all so much, I can believe I got my first DD!
Thank you a million times over!!! :iconcryforeverplz:
Image size
2961x2334px 2.26 MB
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