Yare Yare Da SaikyoAri22682 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ari22682/art/Yare-Yare-Da-Saikyo-318250186Ari22682

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Yare Yare Da Saikyo



So I met :iconjewwario: at Otakon 2012. This photo was taken on Friday, around noon or so. I recognized a friend of mine and roommate for the weekend talking to a JoJo cosplayer. I had just mentioned that he only looked like him before realizing he was the real deal. I was SO EMBARRASSED that I didn't recognize him. Still, he was a real nice sport about it, and he was cool to hang out with.

I brought up my podcast when I talked to him again on Sunday, and told him I'd be talking about my run-in with him throughout the weekend. I overall enjoyed the convention again this year. It was a lot of fun.

(EDIT: Now with Anime Jam Session's watermark[s]!)
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© 2012 - 2025 Ari22682
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Shen-fn-Woo's avatar
It's been a long time Ari!