Rainbow and Scootaloo Falling - Animatedargodaemon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/argodaemon/art/Rainbow-and-Scootaloo-Falling-Animated-357023477argodaemon

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argodaemon's avatar

Rainbow and Scootaloo Falling - Animated



Inspired by :iconknifeh:'s picture "Scootaloo's Dream" [link]

Created in SFM and Photoshop. The manes don't move with the wind due to restrictions on the models. I am working on that to hopefully update this sometime.

If people like this, I can make more short animated GIF loops like this. I am not exactly artistically gifted, but this felt fairly easy to do and enjoyable.

Youtube version: [link]
Basically the same; just in HD.
Image size
400x225px 4.58 MB
© 2013 - 2025 argodaemon
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Smartyvoy's avatar

One could only imagine quite the start from a simple poster to becoming one of the most well-known animator in the community. It is incredible how far you are come from and it inspires/gives me hope for my own dreams of one day, picking up the torch and carrying on the tradition of animating wonderful shorts and content for the community.