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MLP Frames w/Download [SFM Resource]



These are currently broken. SFM update broke something. :(


Finished these a bit faster then I expected. ZIP file is available for download. Just click the download linky thing to the right. Contains the compiled models and the source files (for custom picture adding and whatever). This does mean that the frames can contain ANY picture, not just ponies.

Frames contain 3 shapes (standard, square and wide) and 3 color schemes (wood, white, black). Each frame has various amounts of pictures set as a changeable skin within SFM (except the wide frame; couldn't find any other good wide pictures).

Pictures reflect like glass should and textures for the frames were heavily modified to make them feel more realistic.

As of right now, this does NOT work in Gmod. I will be seeing if I can get it added to the workshop or something (same with SFM, but am reallly lazy).

There is a txt file contained within that does explain (perhaps briefly) how to add your own custom pictures. If you have never worked with .qc or .vtf files before, it may be a bit confusing, just to be forewarned.

These were texted to insure they work, but you never know. PLEASE let me know if there is issues and I can get them resolved. All textures and models were added myself, so there should be no requirement of games loaded.

Have fun!
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NavyBr0wnie's avatar
every year someone asks, I guess it's my turn.