Hall of Elements - Window Lighting Test [SFM]argodaemon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/argodaemon/art/Hall-of-Elements-Window-Lighting-Test-SFM-481431251argodaemon

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Hall of Elements - Window Lighting Test [SFM]



Some more work done for the Elements map, though much of it is specific for my use and added in SFM (there are something like 20 lights in this shot).  A lot of this will change, but wanted to get a feel for how the lighting could look before changing much else.  Baby steps. :)

So what do you think so far?  I know context may be missing, but hate to provide too much and give away the video. ;)

Map is being made by me and not (yet) available for download: argodaemon.deviantart.com/gall…
Window model made by BeardedDoomGuy
Stained glass texture (by permission):
My Little Pony Stained Glass Window by nenuiel
Image size
1280x720px 470.43 KB
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