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Fast Flight [SFM Resource]



Working on building a small library of downloadable animation sequences that can be imported for use. Starting with flight and working from there. Will be posting them as I make them. ^^ Make work on transition bits as well, depending on time.

This is a fast flight animation sequence for use in Source Film Maker. The animation is 1 second long; the entire sequence is 10 seconds long. There is no modifications to the rootTransform. May be a bit wobbly, but otherwise didn't give the effect of, as Fizzle would say, "fly really fast". (I almost hope no one gets the reference >.<)

Requires Nahka's Pony Overhauls:…


Loading/Using Animation Cycles…

If you run into issues with the sequence, please let me know and I will try to get it fixed or work out your problem.

For more pony, check out my YouTube!…
Image size
640x360px 1.29 MB
© 2013 - 2024 argodaemon
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MysticM's avatar

Per chance, will you be updating your animations to work with the ReVAmped models?

I'm trying to use these flight animations but it just distorts the model and no wing movement. I dunno what animations work for these newer models.