Remake of Ice and Fire map Satellite Style 1AresNB on DeviantArt

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Remake of Ice and Fire map Satellite Style 1


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Location  Westeros


2 years later i have decided to Remake my old ice and fire map that was just a skill test back then . its mainly inspired from unseen Westeros map who is kinda semi canon ?  anyway the map isn't accurate because no map outhere seems to be the accurate canon . each version is different in a way so consider this one as the unseen Westeros variant being remade by me . basically a fan art of a non canon art . they will me be more variants coming of this map in the coming weeks or months .

the full download include the full resolution map file of this one + without clouds also full resolution

reminder that commissions are open if you are interested in my map style feel free to contact me . prices range from 75 to 150 dollars depends on the size and details you wish . 
Image size
15000x7217px 75.79 MB
© 2022 - 2025 AresNB
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I get we're trying to review Westeros-centrism but man, this is more skewed than anything I've ever seen.