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Kickass Graffiti!
When people think of graffiti most of the time they think of some type of cheap scribble on a wall. Actually, I have seen some pretty good graffiti. Graffiti can come in the form of print styes and fonts/ It can come in abstract and pictures, or a combination of both! Please view my input, and I will do the upmost to include it with my work in order for it to get more exposure.
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"Illumination" (Thanks for the title suggestion, Elly!)
5.5 x 8.25"
Acrylic on wood
Commission / SOLD
Thank you ahead of time for any favorites and comments!
This design is available on ornaments, cards, shirts, etc, at my online shop: [link]
It's always a pleasure to do a commission for a friend, as I already have a feel for what they like and dislike. The magnificent Ellygator [link] fell quite hard for my painting "Release," so when for our art trade she requested a lion with peacock colors, I chose to make her one with a similar fall of light. This fellow nearly painted himself, he went so quickly!
"Illumination" is actually the top of a wooden box. Being a fellow artist, Elly is naturally out of wall space, but as an artist, she's always in need of storage containers. As it happens, I have a healthy box hoard for just such an occasion and happily offered to transform one. In short: If it's blank, chances are I can paint it for you!
As this piece was commissioned by Elly, it is also dedicated to her. She was one of the first artists I began watching when I joined DA 3 years ago, and she was one of the first to watch me. Her creations always astound and inspire me, whether it be her phenomenal jewelry, feather work, or her detailed drawings. I owe one of my best and most popular paintings, "Sun King," to one of her summer contests--in short, it's all her fault that my muse has been living among lions ever since! It's been a real pleasure to discover in her a fellow history lover, PRB fan, and friend whose work I am happy to recommend whenever an opportunity presents itself.
My thanks to Death-Soldier101 [link] for allowing me to use his wonderful photo as a reference. I know I asked your permission forever ago--it was just a matter of finding the right idea!

My 2012 art calendars are now available! [link]

My Etsy store: [link]
Look what Elly made me in return!

Prints, mugs, and more are all available at my Cafepress store! Visit Arden's Miscellany here [link]
Visit my online gallery & portfolio at [link]
Join me on Facebook! Look for "Arden Ellen Nixon" and become a fan.
None of my images are to be used without express written permission. Woe to any who choose to steal, for so mighty is my art wrath, not even I know its bounds.
5.5 x 8.25"
Acrylic on wood
Commission / SOLD
Thank you ahead of time for any favorites and comments!
This design is available on ornaments, cards, shirts, etc, at my online shop: [link]
It's always a pleasure to do a commission for a friend, as I already have a feel for what they like and dislike. The magnificent Ellygator [link] fell quite hard for my painting "Release," so when for our art trade she requested a lion with peacock colors, I chose to make her one with a similar fall of light. This fellow nearly painted himself, he went so quickly!
"Illumination" is actually the top of a wooden box. Being a fellow artist, Elly is naturally out of wall space, but as an artist, she's always in need of storage containers. As it happens, I have a healthy box hoard for just such an occasion and happily offered to transform one. In short: If it's blank, chances are I can paint it for you!
As this piece was commissioned by Elly, it is also dedicated to her. She was one of the first artists I began watching when I joined DA 3 years ago, and she was one of the first to watch me. Her creations always astound and inspire me, whether it be her phenomenal jewelry, feather work, or her detailed drawings. I owe one of my best and most popular paintings, "Sun King," to one of her summer contests--in short, it's all her fault that my muse has been living among lions ever since! It's been a real pleasure to discover in her a fellow history lover, PRB fan, and friend whose work I am happy to recommend whenever an opportunity presents itself.
My thanks to Death-Soldier101 [link] for allowing me to use his wonderful photo as a reference. I know I asked your permission forever ago--it was just a matter of finding the right idea!

My 2012 art calendars are now available! [link]

My Etsy store: [link]
Look what Elly made me in return!

Prints, mugs, and more are all available at my Cafepress store! Visit Arden's Miscellany here [link]
Visit my online gallery & portfolio at [link]
Join me on Facebook! Look for "Arden Ellen Nixon" and become a fan.
None of my images are to be used without express written permission. Woe to any who choose to steal, for so mighty is my art wrath, not even I know its bounds.
Image size
450x660px 63.63 KB
© 2010 - 2025 ArdenEllenNixon
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