Arda-Inspired's avatar


Middle-earth inspirations
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anonymous's avatar
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Can you please draw these stories? The first one involves nudity but not in a sexual context. You can censor it if it's a problem. The other ones should be OK:…………
Thanks for the request!
Call me when you start accepting non-heterosexual content. Cordoning it off into your favourites folder really isn't acceptable, and the whole policy of this group is incredibly heterosexist. Yeah, you'll accept crack pairings and whatever fanfic as long as it's straight, but you have to hide anything non-hetero in a folder in your favourites, not even allowing it in your gallery anywhere when you could just as easily create a folder in that gallery.

Segregating something to that extent is not being accepting or diverse, and it doesn't make you any less offensive for doing it.
You know, you are actually right. The problem is, there is *always* someone who finds something offensive. We have tried to appease all parties, and when my co-founder was still active, that rule was a result of our discussion as a compromise of our opinions. We feared that allowing slash art might be a bit discriminating to other artists, because by definition, all of such art is "between the lines" and therefore acceptable, while a lot of "canon" art isn't. But as we didn't get many submissions of slash art anyways, I think it is safe to change the rule (I considered doing it for some time already). We will see how it works - sexual content of any kind is not the group's primar focus, and I hope it will stay so, but an occassional submission of it should be alright.
I'm sorry, I know I sounded fairly harsh there. It was a day when I was reminded of the very ugliest side of the Middle-Earth fandom, and a huge amount of that is incredibly homophobic. Ironically one of the biggest haters out there is a user named Faerietopia -- go figure, right? -- who has one of the groups involved in the 'never before seen' art event coming up, which at first I was eager to do...and then I lost all my drive after seeing so much hate. I really do like doing Middle-Earth inspired work, but sometimes the fandom just kills any joy in me. I was incredibly unhappy and irritated.

I think honestly non-hetero art doesn't have to be necessarily sexual in nature. I've seen 'homosexual' bizarrely conflated with 'pornography' (and of course other delightful terms such as 'hate speech' and 'blasphemy', on one of the sadder Tolkien groups), but there are so very many things to do with gay content that isn't at all sexual, or at least not explicit. Since DA's policy forbids explicit sex pieces anyway, it's one of the reasons why I kind of feel mentioning it again in groups is kind of redundant. I just really don't think that having a folder for it would really upset anyone, especially on a group where the content is inspired by Middle-Earth.

Honestly, to tell you my story, I always found myself more inspired by Middle-Earth and where it made my imagination go than I really read the stories. I let my mind wander a bit, with the setting, and I remember all those wonderful, magical adventures. I think Middle-Earth is fantastic as inspiration, and it can lay the seed for so many glorious things.

Thank you for being an admirable voice of reason here, and thank you as well for your patience with a confessed Middle-Earth lover who was having a very, very bad day in the fandom.
Thanks for accepting my work :heart:

To anyone who reads this:

do you like to design fantasy characters, or do you simply like to draw digitally?

i need somebody that is willing to design the artwork for the cards and the other elements for the game that i’m making. i can’t pay you for it, because i’m only 14 years old, but if i ever get to publish the game, i will contact you to make arrangements. if you are interested in working with me, contact me You can also contact me on my facebook (…) or my google+ (…)

also, if you know somebody that would maybe be interested, send them there!

the game that i’m making takes place in middle earth, so the style would be similar to Alan Lee’s and Jhon Howe’s, although the characters are not those appearing in the books or films.

a couple of examples of the style that I’m looking for:elifsiebenpfeiffer.deviantart.………