Pluto (Hades)ArcosArt on DeviantArt

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Pluto (Hades)



Digitally painted in Photoshop with Wacom Graphics Pen

One in a series of Roman Gods character cards that I made for the CLASH: Rise of Heroes game.
( )

I really enjoyed working on the lighting and colors for this one. Interesting thing is that often these days, Pluto/Hades is portrayed as evil, and the villain of the story. True he was the Lord of the underworld, including Tartarus (Greek Mythology's' 'hell') but his domain also included the Elysian Fields, which was basically afterlife as paradise.

It kind of shows how the ancient Greeks didn't really think of their gods/myths as 'good and evil' or 'heroes and villains', the way we do in popular culture today.

Blah, blah, blah, I do go on, don't I? ;)
Image size
777x871px 400.04 KB
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ArcaneCougar's avatar
i really hope you don't mind if i use a few of your pictures of the Olympians for a school project, i will of course give you credit as i am almost definitely incapable of drawing people anywhere near as well.