what once wasarcipello on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/arcipello/art/what-once-was-566758165arcipello

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what once was



So recently UK band Fightstar released their latest album "Behind the Devil's back" which featured my artwork "Scorched Earth" as the front cover. we wanted to run with the theme of light and dark and so i created a version where the tree had perished and the lava had streched out further. it created a nice effect when you flip the CD case over and see the image change from life to death. 

original Scorched earth by arcipello

hope you like it :)
Image size
1500x898px 903.18 KB
© 2015 - 2025 arcipello
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Walker-Pierce's avatar

Can we please get a desktop version of this one too?