Disney's MOANAarchibaldart on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/archibaldart/art/Disney-s-MOANA-446364198archibaldart

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archibaldart's avatar

Disney's MOANA



Here's my take for the upcoming (more like a long wait) addition to the Disney Princess Line MOANA. There just a few details on the net about the movie and all it says that it sets in an Polynesian Island and she's the chief's daughter. She goes out for an epic adventure and also demigods are included in the film. When I heard about the film, there's this urge of mine that I would draw something out of the little details, so I drew Moana with long wavy hair with a flower on her ear, with tan skin and brown eyes and the guy actually wasn't the way he looks in the picture. In my draft, the guy has this flown-back ash brown hair with the signature Greek nose, blue eyes and has there leaf on the ear. Later on I researched about this demigod in polynesia, and to my surprise there's actually one named MAUI. So, I redesigned the male character, changed the skin color, eyes to brown, change his hairstyle and turned it to darker color and change the nose. And VOILA!!! this happened, I hope you like it.

P.S. I got lazy doing a background so I used this sunset-cliff-ocean background I made a while ago for a group contest. heheh
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© 2014 - 2025 archibaldart
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Toonwatcher's avatar
Wow, I know you drew this a long time ago, but you were way off with what you thought the characters would look like.