Archangelofruin's avatar


Clint H.
37 Watchers9 Deviations

There is a Place by Archangelofruin, literature

Clouds by Archangelofruin, literature

Anhedonia by Archangelofruin, literature

A Day Like Today by Archangelofruin, literature

There is a Death in Silence by Archangelofruin, literature

Catch the Rain by Archangelofruin, literature

With the Sky I Fell by Archangelofruin, literature

The Morning Never Came by Archangelofruin, literature

There is a Place by Archangelofruin, literature

Clouds by Archangelofruin, literature

Anhedonia by Archangelofruin, literature

A Day Like Today by Archangelofruin, literature

There is a Death in Silence by Archangelofruin, literature

Catch the Rain by Archangelofruin, literature

With the Sky I Fell by Archangelofruin, literature

The Morning Never Came by Archangelofruin, literature


Deviation Spotlight

The Morning Never Came by Archangelofruin, literature

Llama: Llamas are awesome! (5)

Favourite Visual Artist
Dave Mckean, Niklas Sundin, Tony Diterlizzi
Favourite Movies
Waking Life, Good Will Hunting, Dead Poets Society, FF:Advent Children
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Dream Theater, Kalmah, Nevermore, Opeth, Arch Enemy, Cynic, Aeon Spoke
Favourite Writers
Neil Gaiman, H.P. Lovecraft, Poe, Thomas Ligotti, Roland Topor, Warrel Dane
Favourite Games
Silent Hill, Planescape: Torment, Final Fantasy VII, Fatal Frame, Resident Evil, Eternal Darkness
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Thinking too much
Other Interests
Music, Writing, Reading, Dreaming


0 min read
Sometimes I have moments where I wish to fast-forward through my life and get to the end. After all, every life leads to the same place, and aren't we really just wasting our time on this pointless blue rock?I've realized why I can't bring myself to finish a certain story: I am the main character, and I am afraid of reaching the end and realizing that eternity really does exists.Forgetfulness... "In the cosmos There is balm as well as bitterness And that balm is Nepenthe."
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0 min read
"After I've slept many dreams, I go out to the street with eyes wide open but still with the aura and assurance of my dreams. And I'm astonished by my automatism, which prevents others from really knowing me. For I go through daily life still holding the hand of my astral nursemaid; my steps are in perfect accord with the obscure designs of my sleeping mind. And I walk in the right direction; I don't stagger; I react well; I exist.Sometimes I muse about how wonderful it would be if I could string all my dreams together into one continuous life, a life consisting of entire days full of imaginary companions and created people, a false life w...
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There are times that I hope to wake up as a new person. I concern myself with the thought of falling to sleep at night and waking the next morning with a different mind, one that isn't polluted with the thoughts mine so often has. It is a sense of purification, of cleansing my mind while I sleep; an exchange for a more stable mind, a better mind. And yet, my mind is me. At least, it is what I feel is me. The thoughts and images that come along with the involuntary acquirement of my brain dress me and fill me and instill in me wishes for nonexistence.The only problem with my plan is the limitations of my mind. Insomnia could be considered a...
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Thanks for faving Nightmares Reign [link] :)
:icondsfav1plz::icondsfav2plz::icondsfav3plz: on Lighthouse Stairway. [link]
Thanks for the :+fav:
:wave: Clint, thanks so much for faving 'apothecary' glad you like it :nod:

thanks for the fav :+fav:
Thank you so much Clint.