Fluttershy the Sad PeTA PonyArbok-X on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/arbok-x/art/Fluttershy-the-Sad-PeTA-Pony-254304411Arbok-X

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Fluttershy the Sad PeTA Pony



It was going to be called "Fluttershy the Regretting PeTA Pony", but the title has a character limit. Grrrr...

Anywho, here's the unprecedented Part 3 to my PeTA Pony gag, where Fluttershy was shown a website that talks about the dark truth about Ponies for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (get it?) and the fact that they slaughter more animals than they would save them. Seeing how that goes against what Fluttershy is like with animals, that has her feeling ill about hanging around such an organization. It's all up on the website. And yes, the site exists in case you haven't seen it.

Part 1:
Part 2:

UPDATE: Looks like I inspired a couple of the Fluttershy TV memes:
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SachinAmateurArtist's avatar

PETA Kills was created by the Center of Consumer Freedom, an organization notorious for astroturfing and disinformation used to sway public opinion in favor of their funders, the meat, tabacco, and alcohol industries. PETA offers euthenisia to pets with incurable sicknesses and diseases, pets who are generally bred into existence by breeders. While I agree they have done some questionable things the vegan ideology and their undercover investigations documenting normalized animal cruelty are valid. Please at least try to commit to veganism, it's the bare minimum moral obligation anybody who claims to love animals can do.

www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzX8g3… - By Seitanic Panic