- French Revolution Comic -AquilaChrysaetos on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aquilachrysaetos/art/French-Revolution-Comic-52301650AquilaChrysaetos

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AquilaChrysaetos's avatar

- French Revolution Comic -



You can see the lineart here.

As stated in the description of the lineart, this was a project for my Socials Studies class. We had to come up with a political comic portraying a some kind of scene or event in the French Revolution.

I'm not actually completely satsified with this picture, but a lot of people at school were rather amazed, so I guess I'm pretty content. I realize their clothes and hair styles aren't really of the time...

Edit: I find it very strange that this is my most viewed deviation. It's definitely not my best.... Anyone understand this?

Photoshop CS2
Image size
900x972px 259.3 KB
© 2007 - 2025 AquilaChrysaetos
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jerbear1970's avatar
I like how angry the ladies are towards the monarchy.  Have you ever done any follow up to this drawing.  I would love to see them being confronted by three royalist women. good job