4 min read

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AquaPyrofan's avatar


In order to get some more members for HoodPups, since I'm working on the ARPG, I'm doing a free MYO event.  You must have an EvoCrit account to claim a slot, as they must be submitted through EvoCrit.

Hood Pups Guide (Closed Species)Hood Pups are a new  closed species similar to dogs, wolves, foxes, etc. For most of their lives, they wear some sort of hooded garment.  The hood always covers their eyes when it's up, and has a color and design on it that shows the Pup's magic.  The Pup's body may have any markings, colors, etc. Young Hood Pups Hood Pups are born with a hood covering their eyes, and while they are still young, it can't be removed.  As a result, the first magic a young Hood Pup often learns is to be able to see while their eyes are covered.   Adults (Hood Up) Adult Hood Pups have several differences from Pups.  Their limbs are longer and they have large ... HP04 (Hood Pup) by AquaPyrofan Ark (Hood Pup) by AquaPyrofan Unnamed (Hood Pup) by AquaPyrofan

The following rules apply in addition to the EvoCrit Terms and Conditions:
  • Slots must be claimed within 48 hours of this journal's posting, however, they do not expire.
  • You must use the provided base (found here) to create your MYO.
  • You may make edits to the tail and hood, provided they do not add extra rarity.
  • You may use up to one uncommon trait in addition to the common traits.
  • Hood Pups currency may be earned through extra actions, listed below.
  • There will be no paint-friendly version of the base, nor are you allowed to create one.
  • Instructions to submit MYOs will be found here and on the site once the submission page is fully set up.
  • Possible magic colors and type symbols will be given to you once you submit your claim comment.

You can get HoodPups currency by additionally performing the following actions:
Please fill out the following form to claim a slot:
EvoCrit Username:
Hood Pup Type:
Joining the Server?:

If you need help, there's a channel in the EvoCrit server dedicated to MYO help or you can comment below.

I have a website, where you will be able to find species information, see what characters you have, see progress on requests, and more.

Please read these:
What is EvoCrit?
My Adopt Terms & Conditions
On Pricing and Turnaround Time
On Obtaining Points
On Copyrighted Content
© 2018 - 2024 AquaPyrofan
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