AquaGalaxy on DeviantArt

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AquaGalaxy's avatar

MLP G: Abandoned wonders



Double submissions! >:3
Gift for Mimiero 
Thank you so much ;_; you're a life saver. 
Also I know I'm a butt I was so slow but I hope you like it! 
I tried out 3 different backgrounds for this and also redrew the hair more than 4 times because every time I took a break and came back it looked wonky >_>

I'm working on a collab right now but afterwards, I will be inconsistently on and off deviantart so I think I'll just stop talking about whether I'll be active or not haha. Because good chance that I'll do the opposite of what I'll say I'll do. Idk, I have some real dedication issues haha.  
Image size
3500x2264px 7.16 MB
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