ChloeeAquafeles on DeviantArt

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Daily Deviation

September 6, 2009
Chloee by =Aquafeles
Featured by Majnouna
Suggested by elicoronel16
Aquafeles's avatar




Something a little different from my usual methods, no lines.

Some weeks ago, my brother had a baby girl. Since now, I couldn't really tell him what i felt about it.

Every time I try to say i'm really glad to see him that happy, i feel stupid so I just say nothing, even if that makes me look like the grumpy one.

I just wanted to wish them good luck for everything, they have a long road to walk.

And welcome to Chloée, hope you'll find your way, girl!
Image size
681x909px 323.46 KB
© 2009 - 2025 Aquafeles
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shrimpgirl's avatar
:star::star::star::star: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Vision
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Impact

First of all, I want to say that you really have a way with color. You know how to use such bright and vibrant colors and really make them work. The way you pulled the blues into her dress really help to make the figure appear to be a part of her surroundings.
The only thing I might suggest is for the flags. That very far back row of flags (if I'm reading it correctly) almost look like they're just a small chain at the same distance of the others. You might want to consider blue-ing them a bit, to make it seem like they're more in the distance, to add a sense of atmospheric perspective. You might even want to do it a little to the rows of flags as they recede and help them feel more like a part of their surroundings.
All in all, very lovely work, and congratulations to your brother!