AdventuerTypistapplescruff on DeviantArt

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This is an Adventurer/Typist, my submission for the Seventh Sanctum Class Act Contest. My first and only submission to any of these contests, actually. At least so far. I used the Humorous Fantasy Class Generator to get the class, came out with "Adventurer/Typist", and then used my job to get the inspiration.

I did two versions of this, one in sepia tones, but when I decided this one looked a touch better. There were lots of photos taken to make this work, including one where I comandeered a boat from David, and the safari I had to take to get the super-old awesome "Boathouse Typewriter" that became the tiger.

As for the class information:
The Adventurer/Typist is a rather unusual class of hero, and most players opt for a more conventional character simply because...well, most of them die relatively quickly. Under the logical fallacy that if the Pen is mightier than the Sword, the Typewriter should be even mightier. This is not the same situation at all, as most of them have found out the hard way.
Currently only three Adventurer/Typists survive, and only one is female. All of them are prone to drinking, have a strange dislike for pirates, and all work for the same jungle tour group. They also have a horrible penchant for puns, both in their writing and in everyday conversation...
In battle, the Adventurer/Typist will first attempt to use the typewriter he [she] keeps with him [her] at all times. In theory, this is supposed to rewrite reality in the hero's favor. In reality, it makes a lot of ticking noises and requires that a lot of extra ribbon be carried about. The ribbon can double as a whip, but because both methods usually prove completely worthless, there's always the option of the .26 caliber Smith & Wesson revolver.

There's a second version here: [link]
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597x401px 149.11 KB
© 2008 - 2025 applescruff
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