...And we're back!

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AppleDainty's avatar
Well, hello DeviantArt. It's been a long time since I've actually posted anything here, but I thought I should pop in and say that I'm not dead and I'm creating art again. :) I've got a lot of projects that I recently finished and will be posting, and some new things still in the works. I usually update my instagram pretty regularly with in progress stuff and my website Appledainty.com on a weekly basis with finished projects or musings. Stay tuned!
© 2016 - 2024 AppleDainty
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boot-cheese-3000's avatar
Nice to see you back! I missed talking to you and seeing your work and am glad you made it back safely after your stint in Japan when everything went to HELL out there.

Happy Birthday Angel!!!!!:iconhappybirthdaysignplz::iconbirthdaycakeplz::iconbouquetplz::party::airborne::dance::boogie: