ApoXile on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/apoxile/art/Sirius-B-151165457ApoXile

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Sirius B



Beyond the Frontier II - Centre of Power ends in a couple of hours, so it's time to finally finish work!

I proudly present you "Sirius B", my submission to the contest.

This was quite hard to achieve, because it's actually the first time I seriously tried to do some space related stuff.

Credits: "The last Supernova Tutorial" by =keepwalking07.

Inspirations from: :iconjoejesus: :iconkeepwalking07: :iconmark-s: :iconr3v4n: :iconbaro: :wave:


With a mass nearly equal to the Sun's, Sirius B is one of the more massive white dwarfs known (0.98 solar mass.); it is almost double the 0.5–0.6 solar mass average. Yet that same mass is packed into a volume roughly equal to the Earth. The current surface temperature is 25,200 K. However, since there is no internal source of energy generation, Sirius B will steadily cool as the remaining heat is radiated into space over a period of more than two trillion years. [wiki]


Technical Details:

:bulletred: native resolution: 4000x2000 300dpi
:bulletred: program used: Photoshop CS4 only
:bulletred: time: at least 20 hours B-)


now listening to: Joe Satriani - Is There Love in Space

Comments & Criticism are very appreciated! :)

edit: text alignment fixed...
and for anyone wondering: as i promised this is the overhauled version of the piece i uploaded a week ago. i deleted the asteroids and mainly worked on the background.
Image size
2000x1000px 2.78 MB
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