aphid777 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/aphid777/art/Derpy-Panda-Bear-443578836aphid777

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aphid777's avatar

Derpy Panda Bear



Surprise! >_>  I finished this panda last night, before Eevee (only the eyes left to do so she'll be up soon!) ^^;

A friend of mine is going through some hardships right now, so I wanted to make something for her to cheer her up, as little help as it might be :(  Whenever I ask her though, she refuses to tell me what she likes, so I randomly decided on a panda.. because.. reasons.. >_>

These silly animals are so addicting to make.. so many possibilities :XD:  I generally don't like to repeat similar things I've already made, but these have been the exception lately (as long as I change the animal), because I like the results :)  Anyway, this panda is basically naked Derpy Pooh in black and white form with a tail nubbin Derpy Pooh Bear by aphid777.  Stick around for more later! :la:

Other works:
Crocheted Garfield and Pooky by aphid777 Small-ish Haku by aphid777 You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? by aphid777 Baby Eevee (with pattern) by aphid777
Image size
5120x2880px 1.42 MB
Date Taken
Mar 29, 2014, 12:31:00 PM
© 2014 - 2024 aphid777
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demonbby1's avatar
So cute is it 4 sale?