Circular  Equilaizer ApexXx-SenSei on DeviantArt

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Circular Equilaizer



You can see how skin looks in this short video review:

This is one of my older skins, which i decided to completely improve and fix bugs.
Inspired by beautiful skin "Circular EQ" which is maken for a program called "Samurize".
Thanks go to original author for this beautiful skin and for inspiration! :)…

-How to open settings menu:
You can open the settings by double clicking on the skin (bar).

To change skin size,go with the Mouse over the skin,then move the Mouse Wheel "UP" (to increase skin size), or "DOWN" (to decrease skin size), and the skin will be "bigger" or "smaller".

If you use Foobar2000,you need to install  foo_cad plugin (download) .
If you use MusicBee,you must  enable "CD Art Display" plugin in (MusicBee>Edit>Preferences>Plugins).


-Old code is improved.
-Bugs fixed.
-Bar smoothness and bar seeker are added.
© 2016 - 2025 ApexXx-SenSei
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hola como te va

esta muy buena el widget

pero tengo un problema, ya no tiene movimiento se que da ahi nomas, ya lo probe con todos los reproductores que contiene