Sentinel - Corricaora on DeviantArt

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aora's avatar

Sentinel - Corric



So I remembered I have a dA account! Crazy. I think it's been about six months or more since I actually uploaded something, so this is a bit overdue. I should probably make a new journal post too, since "Red Moon Rising Launches" is hilariously out of date, considering RMR will be hitting its first year anniversary in just a couple of weeks. :)

Anyway, I did a big pile of concept art for a new comic project which I used as filler updates over Christmas over at RMR, and am now going to be throwing up here. Hoo-ha. The full colour picture is ideally going to be the style the whole comic will be in, while the sketches are just me messing around trying to get a good look down for the character.

Photoshop, as ever.
Image size
600x900px 227.42 KB
© 2010 - 2025 aora
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blood41diamond's avatar
i really love your work