
No man's Land - Searchlights

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Literature Text

No Man's Land, Stories of a Broken World
Searchlights: No Silver Lining

Clouds without a silver lining
Deprive us from our rights to sunshine
Drench our nights in double darkness
Because on this earth, nothing glows at night anymore

Guns of beaming light used to aim for the sun, calling:
'I challenge you, archaic phosphor-beast
Bringer of a life so primitive
I spit on it and afterwards
I toss it into my shadows

Your age is over
Men no longer prays to your golden manes
But rather
To the slogans I cast into the air at night'

Now the air is cold and clouded
And all the guns have ceased their fire
It seems like
The searchlights rest in silent triumph

Maybe this war
Did have some kind of victor after all...
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MeineSehnsucht's avatar
Hip concept en zo, goed gedaan, jullie alle vier. Geef je het je medesamenzweerders even door, Pietûh?