Commission: Soul TrainAnwynArt on DeviantArt

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AnwynArt's avatar

Commission: Soul Train



This is a single character render that is a part of an extensive project that I'm working on that involves multiple characters. The project consists of working with Poser 7 (render) and Photoshop CS3 (postwork) only. I am aiming for a consistant style/feel to all the characters that belong to this series. I'm hoping to get the project done by March 08.


This is a commission piece for :iconprofessorblues:

His character Soul Train will obviously be included in the big project.

Anyways, I think Soul Train is my newest favorite piece. Spent more time on her than expected, with quite alot of post working, but ultimately I am very pleased with how she came out.

On a side note, I based her face off of my friend Sabrina =D

And yes.. if you look closely, there is indeed a panty shot LOL

For those interested...
WIP renders: [link]
The un-postworked version: [link]
Image size
844x1544px 354.74 KB
© 2007 - 2025 AnwynArt
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Arty-DeLa-Sirena's avatar
Render-wise, its a beautiful piece. But I don't like the anatomy or her body, and I think that you should work on that. It really hinders this piece, it could be amazing because your rendering is wonderful. Her body is just off. :/