EmaciationAnunium on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/anunium/art/Emaciation-567622239Anunium

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So I've totally been slacking on Goretober seeing as the only other thing I've gotten done was that surgery picture lmao but this is for October 15th's theme of emaciation. Felt like drawing something other than an Irken and I do love drawing Pinkamena and haven't drawn her in a while.

I'm probably going to continue Goretober into November (Gorevember?) since I'm not even close to doing all the themes this month lmao and a lot of the themes are really interesting and I actually really want to draw them but I just don't have the time! D:
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690x460px 411.17 KB
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MillieDot's avatar
=D this is so Fing cool! omg I love it! 

Also Where od you go to see the themes?  xD I'm kinda interested in trying some out. =)