How long have you been on DeviantArt? 9 years
What does your username mean? Pretentious user name for pretentious sake
Describe yourself in three words. Human Living loveing
Are you left or right handed? Right
What is your favourite type of art to create? 3d
If you could instantly master a different art style, what would it be? manga
What type of art do you tend to favourite the most? digital art
Who is your all-time favourite deviant artist?
If you could meet anyone on DeviantArt in person, who would it be?
How has a fellow deviant impacted your life? inspred me to try digital art
What are your preferred tools to create art? daz 3d manga studio 5ex sai
What is the most inspirational place for you to create art? bedroom
What is your favourite DeviantArt memory? just being here #DeviantArtistQuestionnaire
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
Deviation Actions
Hivemind! re uploaded!
Fallout Equestria chapters 1 and 2 have been re edited and re uploaded! should I also post them here? what say you? will you like to see my dribbles about a changeling in fallout posted here?
Dont forget to support Bloodbound though Patreon. Every little bit helps us bring more Jinni and Sassy to you
Fallout Equestria Hivemind
I have decided to try my hand at a fanfic based on kkats fallout equestria world and inspired by my hivemind pic
:thumb371599915:I will be posting it on fimfic (if it is accepted of course) and have joined the Fo:E group there,
but any and all help will be loved and tolerated with abandon
Beginning of a new era
The return of Blood Bound...March 1 2013Its not your fathers vampire story:thumb356916428:
© 2015 - 2025 AnubicDarque
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