antoniavogel's avatar


163 Watchers64 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (68)
BlackBerry: Exclusive Neil Gaiman BlackBerry Badge
Hype: You got hyped up! (4)
Platinum Fragment: The platinum pinnacle of fragment achievement!
My Bio

I studied Biology (advanced degree) but after that I decided to push further in arts, so I went freelance :-) (Smile)
Now I'm doing different things, like scientific illustration, line art, concept art, portrait... My focus lies on animals and monsters, the fauna of real and imagined worlds!

Favourite Visual Artist
Martin McKenna, James Gurney, William Turner
Favourite Movies
Batman begins, Alien Quadriology, Hero,
Favourite TV Shows
Doctor Who, X-Files, Firefly, Buffy, Castle, Bones
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Streetlight Manifesto, Die Toten Hosen
Favourite Books
Rumo, G.A.S., Mars Chronicles
Favourite Writers
Neil Gaiman, Matt Ruff, Walter Moers, Ray Bradbury, Stephen King
Favourite Games
not playing much, I always liked Dungeon Keeper ;-)
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Watercolor, Tablet & PC
Other Interests
Pets (Cats, Snakes, Salamandra)
Hey there! It's perhaps a bit late, but who cares: To everyone out there a :party: -----------    HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014! ---------- :party:I hope you had a great Christmas, or whichever holiday you celebrate around this time, and had a fine start into 2014. I hope you ate and drank and sang and played and made art, by yourself or surrounded by friends and family.And now, with the New Year still young (kind of) and fresh, do you have any plans? Do you have resolutions? I am the right to ask, mind you, because I decided to have no resolutions this time.... :giggle: It seems that the more I made resolutions, the less likely I was to fullfil...
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Yay, I'm back! :poke: After half a year full of events and work and different stuff, welcome to the next episode of "Antonia's musings on... stuff." Yay! :w00t:So, let's start, with self improvement by horrible stress :DFrom time to time, I see an arts contest somewhere, most times on the internet, and if I happen to like the subject (for me that is fantasy/sci-fi/horror/surreal art) you bet that the time I find it, there are like 3 days left to enter, or less . Always the same! :shakefist: Then I think about it (hastily!). :sprint: I count my hours, pencils, tablet pens etc. :work: Am I ready? Can I push it in somewhere? Could I d...
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Hi there! After all my rants in the last journals, I thought I would give you something practical again - not that my illuminating, motivating speeches wouldn't be useful right? ;) But here's something that could really improve your workflow.An easy, really useful tip for drawing artists*: Mark your pencils with colors. According to their hardness. With Nail polish. That's it. Bye! Wait, what? :ninja:Okay, you got me - I like to talk and to explain things. :typerhappy: Of course there's more to say :D Here's the long version: :ahoy:If you, like me, use pencils of different grade (degrees of hardness), you know that all these great, high-...
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Profile Comments 135

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you're amazing!!!!!
Thanks so much for the fave on my spats tutorial! I hope it's useful, and if you use it I'd love to see what you make. ^_^
Thankyou kindly for the watch :D
Thanks very much for the Watch! :salute:
thanks for the watch :) 
Thank you for the watch c: 
many more happy returns of the day Have your cake and eat it tooPartyHappy birthday tarkie happy DA B-day :3 1st Emoticon: Happy Birthday :beach: Happy Birthday Sini :ihavecaek: Omg I gets present Happy Birthday Grin Happy Birthday Godliek :D Sini Birthday Sini Birthday :piratejig: :happy birthday: Lily Wishing a Happy Birthday Me and My Birthday Cake America emote :omghai: Birthday :la: Happy Birthday Hide Birthday Emote HBD_NTdevont Birthday Cake  :D popcorn-pops Happy Birthday Bliss Hide Birthday Emote Happy Birthday Sailor-Pikmin! Happy B-Day Caeser1993 Clack Cookie Tease Remnants Carameldansen Happy Birthday IceXDragon! LightningYayz for Kalvanas Genesis Yayz KimRaiFan's Bday Cake Kao Emoji-16 (Happy Birthday) [V1] Happy Birthday Caeser1993 Unrequited..? Forgot it's your birthday? Happy DeviantART Birthday Sini's Birthday Slave What's in seibears gift? Happy Birthday Cupcake Kao Emoji-17 (Happy Birthday Alt) [V1] :bademoticon: Happy barfday, Marx, Part 1 Misc Emoji-04 (Happy Birthday) [V1] cloudmassiveblushplz Happy Birthday Sweet Kirby :zikeshappyrun: V2 Happy barfday, Marx, Part 2 Cute Fairy - Clefairy Kid Owlie Smiley 2nd Present for Happy-gurl! -different shades- 2nd Present for Happy-gurl! -different shades- :astonbounce: :8Bparty: Happy Birthday, whitemajic genesisheybbyplz happy birthday to moo Happy Birthday Xak Happy Birthday Happy-gurl! Happy Birthday Sini Happy Birthday Melmo Birthdy-emote sephlovesyouplz Happy Birthday, Synfull :fellahug: Yumii--Chan avvie request Danies Birthday Kidnapping happy birthday Krissieee cloudchaincameplz Happy Birthday - Anna! Happy birthday Kel Alex Birthday Present Smiley Happy Birthday Happy Birthday DA happybirthday purpledinosaurX3 Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Yolkurt Sneaky Emote Birthday Bear Happy Birthday Spawn Happy Birthday