Zootopia FinnickAnthonyDisneyArtist on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/anthonydisneyartist/art/Zootopia-Finnick-595621859AnthonyDisneyArtist

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Zootopia Finnick



Finnick is the partner and best friend of successful con artist, Nick Wilde, being a cunning con artist, himself. Together, the two regularly roam about the city during the day, hustling citizens as a means to make a quick buck. Though they are polar opposites, the two get along well when operating a scheme, and have shown to be met with considerable success in their operations.

Despite his size, Finnick has an extremely deep, gravely voice, which forces him to remain silent when roaming about the city, as his appearance plays a key role in his scams.

Being a fennec fox, Finnick is much smaller than Nick, and most animals in the city, to the point where he is often identified as a toddler, rather than his actual age. This is a point of contention for Finnick, who shows deep displeasure in being looked upon as a child. Nevertheless, Finnick can be talked into embracing this, and works alongside Nick, usually as his son, as a means to make money, which appears to be one of the few things that can suppress his temper for a certain amount of time, though he'll immediately explode, emotionally, once the coast is clear. He has also used his toddler-like appearance for other means throughout his life, such as cutting school by convincing the teacher that he was his own baby brother.[1]

On occasion, he can ironically succumb to his own stereotype, as he was seen falling asleep in his stroller at one point of the film.

Finnick also owns a rather unkept van, which appears to double as his and Nick's mode of transportation during their operations, as well as his home. Though a seemingly experienced driver, there have have been instances where he's been pulled over for underage driving.[1]

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Libra1010's avatar
 This little fox looks less like a Con Artist and more like an old-school Matinee Villain; all he needs is a moustache to be QUITE the Dastardly Whiplash!