Tavern of the Royal HeroesAnthonyAvon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/anthonyavon/art/Tavern-of-the-Royal-Heroes-488137297AnthonyAvon

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AnthonyAvon's avatar

Tavern of the Royal Heroes



Another tavern in my gallery, this time for time for the game Royal Heroes. I love the way it looks but I had to leave it at this level of detail for now. I would love to work on the wood texture, I usually love that, but it takes too much time without really adding too much to the final image, unless you really love to zoom in on a picture and look at it for a long time. This was done by painting over a 3D model which I made in SketchUP but I will have to transfer to a better program soon, I want to be able to do more with a 3D setup of the scene because the interiors are really hard to do and I want my scenes to look good, be rich with detail and thus tell a story. Check out the game "Royal Heroes" on kickstarter: www.kickstarter.com/projects/1…
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2000x1008px 2.16 MB
© 2014 - 2025 AnthonyAvon
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Siamese712-FanFics's avatar
This is a beautifully done set! I love the lighting for the windows and the fact that you added the detail of the particles in the air. I've tryed doing that effect before and it's not as easy as it looks.