Horns of ChaosAnthonyAvon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/anthonyavon/art/Horns-of-Chaos-929979756AnthonyAvon

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Horns of Chaos


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I've seen many artists delete old work from their portfolios. Once you realize that a piece of work no longer represents your skill, you start to fear losing business opportunities because of it. Recruiters tell me they only look at a couple of paintings before they decide if you will get a job interview or not.
So what if they see the wrong few?
It's been 2 years and roughly 150 studies done between these two versions, and the difference is noticeable, but it's also obvious that there was no reason to just throw out the hard work from before. 2 years ago I had a clear idea, I knew what I wanted to do, but I just couldn't do it right. The foundation was made and with just a bit more work, now I have something that will hopefully still have value in a few years.
I'll definitely make more updates soon. Even a painting from this year that didn't work out at the time deserves to be "finished". The time and care invested in it shouldn't be discarded, but rather, built upon.

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1900x882px 945.19 KB
© 2022 - 2025 AnthonyAvon
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Linked-Memories's avatar

i am looking respectfully😳💗