Livestream sketch requests 7/16/15ansuz on DeviantArt

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Livestream sketch requests 7/16/15



Sketches from our live streaming session this evening. Thanks to Michelle, JaneB, and Casanova for the requests!

1. A few characters' hobbies:
- Kip likes to knit.
- One of Johlan's hobbies is sailing. One of Captain Owings's hobbies is hating when Johlan makes him go sailing.
- Talather's hobby is mooching. Except it's not really a hobby so much as a profession.
- Morphus gaming night.

2. Lizardman sketch for CasanovaUnlimited

3. We were asked what weapon Ranon would use if he didn't use swords, so I drew him as an alternate character class (I bet he'd be a White Mage).

4. Tree creature in a tree. (The trees in the Old Wood are really big. And probably magic, some of them.)
Image size
820x4359px 386.76 KB
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GrimSqueaker's avatar
I've been silently watching the session (that is up until the Ranon sketch, then it was already 2:30 a.m. here in Germany and I really had to go to bed) and it was a lot of fun. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of your sketching technique!

And btw, knitting lemur Kip is awesome. Who recieves all the woolen goods she produces?